PC Gamer (Italian) 26
PC Gamer IT CD 26 2-2.iso
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Text File
171 lines
; Sample parameter text file.
; Rules:
; no more than one parameter is allowed per line.
; assignments must be wholly contained within one line.
; lines must be <70 chars wide.
; lines without an equals sign are ignored.
ExtraMaskDist = 0 ;Dist in metres.
CommentPause=0 ;0-off; 1-print; 2-print and pause; 3-show all rules
PlugPercent=100 ; Makes balls plug more often in sand
ForceGroundFlat = 0
TestLieType = -1 ; TEE(0),Fway,LRf,MRf,HRf,GoodSnd,MedSnd,BadSnd,PATH(7)
TestGroundType = 0 ; GREEN ═ 1,... PATH ═ 10
TranslatePower ≡ 2 //2;
DrivingRange = 0
OverswingSensitivity = 300 ; max overswing has 600% Slice/Dirn Factors
MaxBackswing = 0000 ;override the player's values only if this is non-zero
MaxForswing = 130 percent of the backswing
BestPhotoChoice=1 ;force choice of 2nd best, 3rd best (etc) photo
LinkPower = 0 ; Override swing power percents
LinkPowers[0] = 97 ; 0% (default putter ctr)
LinkPowers[1] = 102 ; 13% (default putter ctr)
LinkPowers[2] = 108 ; 28% (default putter ctr)
LinkPowers[3] = 114 ; 46% (default putter ctr)
LinkPowers[4] = 119 ; 66% (default putter ctr)
LinkPowers[5] = 125 ; 84% (default putter ctr)
LinkPowers[6] = 131 ; 97% (default putter ctr)
LinkPowers[7] = 136 ; 100% (default putter ctr)
SwapThreshold = 50% ; swap to angled feet at 50% of sideslope
; Power thresholds for overswing
BegPowThreshold[1] = 100 ;translate from this threshold...
Beg_OutputPower[1] = 100 ;...translate threshold to this
BegPowThreshold[2] = 125 ;translate from this threshold...
Beg_OutputPower[2] = 117 ;...translate threshold to this
BegPowThreshold[3] = 0 ;(ignore if equal to 0)
Beg_OutputPower[3] = 0 ;
BegPowThreshold[4] = 0 ;
Beg_OutputPower[4] = 0 ;
AmtPowThreshold[1] = 100 ;translate from this threshold...
Amt_OutputPower[1] = 100 ;...translate threshold to this
AmtPowThreshold[2] = 115 ;translate from this threshold...
Amt_OutputPower[2] = 112 ;...translate threshold to this
AmtPowThreshold[3] = 125 ;(ignore if equal to 0)
Amt_OutputPower[3] = 122 ;
AmtPowThreshold[4] = 0 ;
Amt_OutputPower[4] = 0 ;
ProPowThreshold[1] = 100 ;translate from this threshold...
Pro_OutputPower[1] = 100 ;...translate threshold to this
ProPowThreshold[2] = 110 ;translate from this threshold...
Pro_OutputPower[2] = 114 ;...translate threshold to this
ProPowThreshold[3] = 120 ;(ignore if equal to 0)
Pro_OutputPower[3] = 125 ;
ProPowThreshold[4] = 125 ;
Pro_OutputPower[4] = 128 ;
FixTiming = 0 ; -1: fix@0.0 ; 0: dont fix ; +1: vary 0.0 to 0.8
EarliestTiming = 120; // increase this for more backspin.
SkillLevel = 0; // 0: variable, 1: always BEG, 3: always PRO
FadeFactor = 100
SliceFactor = 350
DirectionFactor = 350
SpeedFactor = 74 ;speed for all normal shots
Pich_FadeFactor = 200
Pich_SliceFactor = 200
Pich_DirectionFactor = 400
Pich_SpeedFactor = 065 ;speed for pitching
Chip_FadeFactor = 200
Chip_SliceFactor = 200
Chip_DirectionFactor = 300
Chip_SpeedFactor = 075 ;speed for chipping
Putt_FadeFactor = 100
Putt_SliceFactor = 30
Putt_DirectionFactor = 30
Putt_SpeedFactor = 100 ;speed for putter
UpSlope_Angle = 100 ;Effect of uphill lie on launch angle
LRSlope_Slice = 70 ;Effect of left->right slope on Slice
LRSlope_Power1W = 70 ; 1Wood has 60% power on 45 degree sideslope
LRSlope_PowerSW = 90 ; Sand Wedge has 90% power on 45 degree sideslope
tl_minus_te = 001 ;tl-te x 100
geFactor = 100
glFactor = 100
overswing_on = 1
TempBorderNum= 0 ;To display borders
DbgClub = 22 ; 0≡1W,6≡7W, 7≡1I,15≡9I, 16≡PW,18≡SW, 19≡Ptr
ProportionalPuttPower = 1;
WaltControlMethod = 1;
CoeffR[1] = 300 ; GREEN Coeff of Restitution * 1000
CoeffR[2] = 280 ; APRON
CoeffR[3] = 260 ; TEE
CoeffR[4] = 260 ; FAIRWAY
CoeffR[5] = 170 ; LGT_ROUGH
CoeffR[6] = 105 ; MED_ROUGH
CoeffR[7] = 40 ; HVY_ROUGH
CoeffR[8] = 20 ; SAND
CoeffR[9] = 600 ; PATH
CoeffSF[1] = 370 ; GREEN Coeff of Static Friction * 1000
CoeffSF[2] = 450 ; APRON
CoeffSF[3] = 600 ; TEE
CoeffSF[4] = 750 ; FAIRWAY
CoeffSF[5] = 680 ; LGT_ROUGH
CoeffSF[6] = 800 ; MED_ROUGH
CoeffSF[7] = 990 ; HVY_ROUGH
CoeffSF[8] = 999 ; SAND
CoeffSF[9] = 120 ; PATH
CoeffRF[1] = 280 ; GREEN Coeff of Rolling Friction * 1000
CoeffRF[2] = 330 ; APRON
CoeffRF[3] = 500 ; TEE
CoeffRF[4] = 500 ; FAIRWAY
CoeffRF[5] = 600 ; LGT_ROUGH
CoeffRF[6] = 750 ; MED_ROUGH
CoeffRF[7] = 900 ; HVY_ROUGH
CoeffRF[8] = 990 ; SAND
CoeffRF[9] = 120 ; PATH
CoeffFluidF_lgt = 0010 ; LGT_ROUGH - 0.010
CoeffFluidF_med = 0020 ; MED_ROUGH - 0.020
CoeffFluidF_hvy = 0040 ; HVY_ROUGH - 0.040
CoeffFluidFsand = 0050 ; SAND - 0.040
ChipFudge = -15;
PitchFudge = 5;
STA_Open_AAtk = 5° ; 5°
STA_Open_Dirn = -3° ;-3°
STA_Open_Slice = 8° ; 8°
STA_Open_Powr = 4% ; 4%
STA_Ball_AAtk = 2° ; 2° to 5°, αCR
STA_Ball_Dirn = -2° ;-2° to 5°, αCR
STA_Ball_Powr = 2% ; 2%
STA_Tee_Loft = 3% ; 3° to 7½°, αCR
STA_T_Offset_1W = 2° ; extra loft for central ball posn. αCR
STA_T_Offset_PW = 4° ;
Constant_Fudge = 70 ;Perspective alteration DOC's
Perspective_Fudge = 140 ;Perspective alteration
FudgeExtraSideSpin = 100 ;for lofted clubs
Plug_Const = 60 ; *10e -6
colour = 63
CamFOView = 35
CamScale = 33100
STEPS equals 40;
;+ A buffer area in case the end of the file gets corrupted +;